Panchanga Shikshan

As a part of curriculum and to ensure all round development of children, this School is following Panchanga Sikshan of Vidyabharathi that gives emphasis to Sanskrit, Culture, Music, Sports and Yoga which are included in regular time table. Full time faculties are provided for these subjects.

Sanskrit is the classical language considered as the mother of all human languages. The world's most ancient human ideologies are narrated in this sacred language. Scholars around the world confirm that they find something in Sanskrit literature that they will not find anywhere else.

Physical fitness is the basic pre-requisite of all human accomplishments. The sayings such as " Sareeramadyarn khalu Dharma sadhanam ", "A sound mind in a sound body" emphatically authentify this maxim.

The basic objective of education is to mould the child into a true citizen, imbibing ethical and spiritual values of our heritage. Here education works as a purifying factor. There is a perfect co-relation between ethics and education.

There is music in all things. The entire universe is bound by the integral connection formed with music. One of the key elements in the unification of our existence is music. It has the ability to permeate and penetrate through the boundaries of reality. This makes music one of the purest known civilizations.

Yoga is one of the greatest gifts that our ancestors have awarded to human race. Asanas and Pranayamas are very powerful tools that unearth hidden potential and boost positive energies by removing tension and enhancing strength and balance.